Friday, July 4, 2014

Hanuman Swallowing the Sun

Hanuman did not gulp the Sun, but tried to do so.

From when he was born Hanuman proved to be such a voracious eater that is mother was beyond herself feeding him. He even attempted to eat the sun, an attempt foiled by Indra, the king of the gods, who threw his thunderbolt at the tremendous baby to discourage him from devouring the only source of light to the earth. This created a slight commotion in the heavens with Vayu coming to the rescue of his son but the gods intervened and persuaded Indra to apologize to Vayu. Peace returned and the gormandizing baby was returned to the safe folds of his mother while Surya, the sun god, was spared a horrible fate.

Now most of our mythological stories are actually symbolic and have deeper meanings behind it.

Hanumanji is called Pavanputra...the son of vayu (air) which also called Prana. Hence Hanuman is ansh of Prana entering our body and working there.

this prana is uncontrolled and hungry in its enfant enfant means the prana of most of the people, who are not trying to control prana.

Astrologically SUN denotes the Soul of a person.... hence Hanuman as a kid (means uncontrolled prana)....tries to gulp the SUN (soul) and keep our whole body in darkness of ignorance.

Indra - means the Chief of gods are our indriyas and their chief is Mind. so Indira or our Mind then tries to control Prana and stops it from gulping the Sun and bringing darkness of ignorance.

The same Hanuman (the uncontrolled, immature prana) is when put to devotion to Shri Ram, it gains and remembers all its powers and helps in finding Sita (Kundlaini) and restrore her back to Rama (shiva tattwa) in us.

Hope i didnt confuse you ....LOL
Please read the texts again.

Hanuman is said to have thought, as an infant, that the Sun was great big fruit and leapt to get it. Surya then cursed him and said "Since you behaved like a Monkey, may you look like one."

The Vaanara were actually like the humans and only Hanuman looked like a monkey, according to the legend. The word meant the Garden Dwellers, because they loved to have gardens surrounding their homes, unlike the other "civilized" city dwellers.

pity is that most Indians don't study their texts properly and very few even study Sanskrit.

There are many misconceptions like the Sura - Asura. The Sura were people who believed in the Dine Right Principle that allowed Kings to inherit the Kingdom, whereas the Asura were Democratic and elected their "Kings" or rather leaders. Raakshasha meant a meat eater who was also the Rakshaka or Protector. The simple logic was that a vegetarian cannot kill. Both sides of the Asuras and Suras had their Rakshashas.

Ravana was a White. He is described as the Tripura Sundara, or most handsome man, who had hair the color of the golden sun, eyes the color of the clear sky and skin like the rose petal laced milk. That's a blond, blue eyed White man, in case you didn't get it.

Whereas Rama was a Kasturi or a black and Sita and Laxman were light brown or coloreds.

Pity that people don't know these simple things there.

Please pardon my sounding sad, because I'm a Sanathana Dharmic and disciple of Swami Aghenanda Bharathi, who was our Guru in Syracuse University, USA. We learned to take the right meanings and study the Texts, ********* them from the mythology and superstitions.

Perhaps this why Peter Brooks Ramayana play is so much different to the Indian versions, because it shows Rama and the whole story using the actual kinds of weapons that would have been used in those days and does not add all the superstitious stuff woven in in the Indian versions.

We try to see the Real Sanathana Dharma and are saddened by our Indian Brethren who seem to be going farther and farther away from it.

My sincere apologies if I hurt your sentiments, because, that was not my aim.

Just FYI, it's Rahu and Ketu [the "invisible" Planets] who were symbolizing the eclipses.

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